
Gingerbread This beautifully light version of traditional gingerbread uses whole-wheat pastry flour to add fiber, vitamins and phytochemicals that regular white flour lacks.  CAL/SERV : 245 PREP TIME : 1…

Minestrone Soup

Minestrone Soup A cholesterol-free version of this classic Italian vegetable soup—brimming withfiber-rich beans, peas, and carrots. CAL/SERV : 153 PREP TIME : 15 MINS YIELDS : 16 SERVINGS COOK TIME:…


Gazpacho This classic chilled tomato soup is chock full of garden-fresh vegetables andcholesterol free! CAL/SERV : 87 PREP TIME : 20 MINS YIELDS : 6 SERVINGS COOK TIME: 0 MINS…